SHARing Point is a health information search engine run by SHARED (Scientists for Health and Research for Development), a digital network based on validated information on ongoing medical and health related research, researchers and institutions.

On SHARing Point, you will find health information from people and their activities, including projects, journal articles, abstracts and mailing list postings from Asia, Africa, Europe, North and South America, and up to date health news from the most important news agencies on the internet. It is a multilingual site where you can search using any of the supported languages. You will also find documents in different languages coming from decentralised websites.

On this website you can type or copy/paste (in French, Spanish, German, Dutch or English) a text you want to search for (just one word or a whole document) and you will find the results, be able to add keywords or sentences from a list and see the results in Medline and Free Medical Journal as well as the SHARED network. There is also an option to receive news in your mailbox on the topic of your choice.
