Berlin, Germany
Institution type
Public foundation
Total funding amount
Less than 200,000
Other funding priorities

Displacement, building alternatives to migration detention systems

Unrestricted Grant Status
I prefer not to say
Offers support beyond grants

Yes, we want to deconstruct that funders can’t also be political partners, as well as the idea that movements only require financial support. Therefore we offer an optional program of movement-conscious partner accompaniment, bringing together our grassroots partners in a cross-border ‘hub’. This accompaniment spans reflective, relationship-building conversations as well as building practical organizational and leadership capacity from expert actors (for ex: strategic communications on border profiteers, using artistic mediums as narrative, fundraising skillsharing, etc), and helps inform our monitoring & evaluation learnings. In this hub program, we prioritise the participation of BIPoC, gender or non-binary, and/or representatives with lived experience of displacement.