The University of British Columbia Forestry Department has a wide ranging research and study programme covering a range of forest related disciplines including ecology, wildlife, conservation, First Nations, forest science, government forest policy and innovative wood products .

Current research areas include:

  • Advanced Wood Processing
  • Collaboration for Advanced Landscape Planning
  • Collaboration for Business and Operations Management
  • Applied Conservation
  • Forest Economics and Policy
  • Belowground Ecosystems
  • Biometrics/Measurements
  • Operations/Hydrology
  • Economics/Policy/Management
  • Social Forestry
  • Timber Technology and engineering
  • Forest Products
  • Biotechnology
  • First Nations
  • Enhancing Wood Properties
  • Gene Conservation/Tree Genomics
  • Forest Pest Management
  • Watershed and Freshwater Ecology

The website contains links to like-minded organisations, publications,student and postgraduate information and the latest news and events.
