Center for Army, Conversion and Disarmament Studies is non-governmental, nonpartisan, non-profit research organisation. CACDS was created on a voluntary unification base of journalists, scientists and specialists in military-civil relationship, military-industrial complex and global disarmament areas for joint work to research and to cover issues of transformation of Ukrainian defence industry, civil control over country’s Armed Structures and Ukraine’s participation in international regimes of control over arms and technologies transfer

Research areas include analysis of:

  • Ukrainian armed structures development
  • Ukraine’s participation in multi-lateral agreements on control over arms and technologies transfer
  • directions and results of reforms in the army and other country’s armed structures
  • trends and perspectives of national defense industry
  • military technique, equipment, arms and military technology export-import on the post-Soviet territory, and their transfer in the world.

CACDS contributes to the development and democratisation of Ukrainian society through increasing of civil control over the country’s Military Strength (Armed Forces, National Guards, Internal Army and others), studying disarmament and armament processes in the country and abroad, facilities of effective conversion of Ukrainian defense enterprises.

The website is available in both Ukrainian and English; it contains details of activities and downloadable research papers in English.
