<p>The South Korean Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP( 2011 in Peru has been implemented by the Market Economy Research Institute (MERI). Entitled Enhancing the Competitiveness of SMEs in the Southern Economic Corridor in Peru: Some Pilot Action Programmes, the initiative focused on three regional industries-the alpaca, coffee, and automotive-parts. In addition, the programme also includes research on regional agro-industry co-operative schemes.</p>
<p>The Government of Peru has acknowledged the positive role of SMEs in national development, such as the promotion of regional development, the reduction of poverty, and the like. Hence, the development of the SME sector, especially in the region of sierra in the Southern Economic Corridor, has become an important agenda for the National Centre for Strategic Planning of Peru (CEPLAN), author of the Bicentennial Plan, the overarching national development strategy. In fact, the role of SMEs in the area of fostering national competitiveness and employment was already recognised and emphasised in the Bicentennial Plan. As such, it is highly meaningful that the Peru KSP 2011 sets its programme scheme to share Korea’s policy experiences in the enhancement of the competitiveness of SMEs in the Southern Economic Corridor of Peru.</p>