<p>The Ministry of Strategy and Finance (MOSF) of the Republic of Korea, in collaboration with the Korea Development Institute (KDI), has been implementing the Knowledge Sharing Program (KSP) with selected development partner countries since 2004. This program aims at contributing to the socio economic development of partner countries by conducting policy research, policy consultation, and capacity building programs as well as assisting the establishment of law, regulation, and institution based on Korea’s development experience.</p>
<p>In cooperation with the Royal Government of Cambodia, KSP has been conducted on the issues of “Strategic Framework for Fiscal Resource Mobilization and Life Insurance” in 2006, and “Microfinance and Public-Private Partnership (PPP) Development” in 2009. Since 2010, Korea strengthened its relationship with Cambodia by selecting it as the Strategic Development Partner Country (SDPC) to provide policy alternatives on comprehensive areas of development for a duration of three years. The first year of SDPC KSP with Cambodia was conducted on the theme of “Policy Agenda for Cambodia in Growth, Finance, Industry, and Trade.”</p>