The Centre for Development and Environment Policy (CDEP) undertakes research, training and teaching on the policy dimensions of the relationship between environment and development at the regional, national and global levels.

The activities of the Centre include:

  • research
  • training and workshops
  • teaching
  • organizing a lecture series

CDEP research themes are:

  • sustainable development: concepts and assessment
  • environmental economics
  • industry, trade and environment
  • integrated water management
  • biodiversity and biotechnology
  • science, environment and global governance

The Centre offers a course on ‘Environment and development’ to first-year post graduate students in management, and a course on ‘Economics of natural resources’ to second-year students in management.

The website includes details about CDEP faculty, summaries of publications, training programmes, past lectures, current and past projects. The CDEP Annual report can be downloaded from the website.
