The Consortium for Southern Africa Food Security Emergency (C-SAFE) is a regional response to the food security crisis in southern Africa, led by three International Non-Governmental Organizations (NGO’s) – CARE, Catholic Relief Services (CRS) and World Vision (WV), with an additional member in Zambia – ADRA.

The goal of C-SAFE is to improve household food security in targeted communities in Malawi, Zambia, and Zimbabwe. The strategic objectives are to:

  • improve/maintain the health & nutritional status of targeted vulnerable households
  • to increase productive assets among targeted vulnerable households and communities
  • to increase resilience to food security shocks among targeted vulnerable households and communities.

    C-SAFE’s website contains information on:

    • the latest reports and news
    • a learning centre
    • country data
    • photo gallery
    • links to relevant sites

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