
We strive to end poverty and promote human rights in Africa, Asia, Latin America and the Caribbean by doing three key things: We fund social change organizations; we accompany them by building their capacity and bringing them together to collaborate and strengthen social movements; and we advocate on Capitol Hill and Global forums for laws and policies that promote human rights for all.

New York and Washington, United States of America
Institution type
Public foundation
Total funding amount
30 million to 100 million
Other funding priorities

humanitarian response

Offers support beyond grants

We seek to influence U.S. and global policy to advance human rights, by working closely with members of the U.S. Congress, the White House and global bodies like the United Nations to shape U.S. and international policy; mobilizing our community of rabbis, Jewish leaders, and supporters who have influence with policymakers; and enabling opportunities for our grantees to speak out in the media and testify before Congress and global bodies like the UN, so that they have a voice in the global halls of power. We also provide accompaniment in many forms; these include in-country staff that are trusted human rights activists and experts in their own right. We call this “accompaniment” rather than “capacity building” because this is a trust-based approach where AJWS works with and alongside these organizations in a way that recognizes their leadership and autonomy and fosters reciprocal learning between us. We serve as a strategic partner, supporting them to meet the needs and achieve the goals that they set for themselves. We offer our team’s insights, experience, and resources, and connect them to experts outside AJWS when needed (e.g. updating policies and procedures, financial audits, strategic planning, conference participation, proposal writing). We encourage them to leverage our relationship to attract new funders.

Grant cycle details
6 dockets per year