On Monday, President Obama will unveil the final version of the centerpiece of his climate legacy, the Clean Power Plan....

Inaugural Meeting of EDGE Funders Alliance in Europe
The inaugural meeting of EDGE Funders Alliance in Europe took place in La Bergerie on 2-4 July 2015. The meeting...

India’s Rural Employment Program is Dying a Death of Funding Cuts
Ten years ago this week, the Indian parliament unanimously passed the Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Act (MGNREGA). It was...

Fighting for the Places We Love
Ahead of upcoming Global Divestment Day, a conversation between author Naomi Klein and 350.org executive director May Boeve. CD editor’s...

Transforming Philanthropy: It’s Time to Get Serious
Is “social justice philanthropy” an oxymoron? Most of the money that’s sitting in the bank accounts and endowments of large...