<p>In June 2002, President Vicente Fox (2000-06) signed a landmark transparency bill into law. The adoption of the Access to Public Information and Transparency Law (Transparency Law) was a distinctive moment in Mexican politics. – See more at: http://ella.practicalaction.org/knowledge-new-post/implementing-right-to-information-a-case-study-of-mexico/#sthash.YI41gzoj.dpuf</p>

<p>The passage of the law was the result of the synergy of reform-minded public officials, members of parliament, civil society activists, journalists, media executives, and academics. It is recognized by experts and practitioners around the world as one of the strongest RTI laws in the world. The establishment of the Federal Institute for Access to Information (IFAI), a federal agency responsible for safeguarding the right to public information and ruling on citizens&rsquo; appeals of denied information requests, has been a milestone achievement.</p>

<p>Overall, the implementation record of the Mexican Transparency Law for the last nine has been positive. The number of information requests is consistently increasing, most requests receive a positive reply, and most appeals are resolved in favor of the requester. The law has provided individuals with opportunities to access information about the operation and management of government agencies. Civil society organizations have used the law to obtain valuable information about the operation and financial management of important government programs, and they have used this information to demand greater accountability from public officials. Nearly a decade since the implementation of the Transparency Law, Mexicans have access to public information that was simply not available before.The number of information requests has increased consistently, and most of these requests receive positive replies. Similarly, most of the appeals to the IFAI are resolved in favor of the requester.</p>
